Anvar Khamitov, Nathan Petersen, and Eric Severson traveled to Lyon, France to attend the 18th International Symposium on Magnetic Bearings in July. In between sampling the local gastronomy, Anvar and Nathan presented their research on magnetic levitation at the conference and Eric gave a plenary talk on bearingless motors. Anvar’s paper was selected as one of three to win the Best Student Paper award from the conference (congratulations Anvar!)
You can find our publications on, search for:
- A Khamitov, E. L. Severson, “Analysis of Force Capacity in Magnetic Bearings and Bearingless Motors from the Perspective of Airgap Space Harmonic Fields,” ISMB 2023.
- N. Petersen, E. L. Severson, “Tuning Methods for Classical SISO PID Magnetic Levitation Controllers via Analytic Models,” ISMB 2023.
and Severson’s plenary talk on the conference website.